Wednesday 15 August 2007

My week off so far

Well the weekend i went fishing (again) and i'm sorry to tell you Debz i seen 2 seals i have the photo's to prove it! I got so burnt on that day.

On sunday we went to Porthcall for the morning and had a game of crazy golf which i cannot play! Whilst there i spotted Joanne and Paul Gilder oooh the mistery!

Tonight i will be going out with the girls its a £1 a drink in varsity so im taking £10 cos im skint roll on pay day.

I would like to thank claire for letting me know about facebook it is great the bebo girls need to be informed of this.

Well i will keep you posted.
And the photo of seal is real!

Monday 6 August 2007


Well its been a nice weekend, i went fishing yesterday down Bracelet Bay with Dylan and Darren. He didnt catch much, after around 30 mins a seal decided to pop its head up and say hello. So there wasnt much point in fishing anymore. The rest of the day was spent walking around Mumbles. And of course you cant visit Mumbles without having the best ice-cream in town Joe's. I wonder what their secret ingreadient is? I think it's white chocolate!

Last week Dylan went to the National Play Day event near spark, he was on a water slide which basically went straight into mud. The T-shirt he had on was bright blue!!!!