Monday 25 June 2007

Another Rainy Monday

I haven't posted for a few day's as i have been quite busy in work. Last week i had quite a lot to do i had to do the mail out for the CDT meeting which takes place this Thursday. I also had to take minutes at the Board meeting. Then on Friday was the Trio Project which went ok.

The weekend started at 3.30am, i was up at that time filling the car up ready for a car boot sale at Singleton Hospital. I was so tired and grumpy, we was in a que of traffic at 4.30 when we eventually got our pitch and started setting up ready to make some cash. The night before Dylan was practicing his selling skills he was a Rodney in the making. As we were unloading about 10 people were behind us to see what we had they were taking stuff out of the car to look at what we had. We sold all the best stuff there and then. Dylan had filled a box with army figures, tanks and lots of other little junk. A man bought the lot off Dylan for £8 which was a bargain because everything in it was not worth much he said his grandson will love all of these. The morning went quite well, we made quite a bit. Dylan went for a walk around to spend some of his well earned cash, further down the car booty was the man selling the stuff he bought that morning at a higher price. Dylan's then decided to strop all morning there was a funny side to it. The rest of the afternoon was spent in bed i was so tired and grumpy.

Sunday we went to the mumbles for a walk. We went rock climbing and looking for crabs and other sealife creatures. After hours of me winging we went for an ice cream then home.

Well today has been quiet. We have had no Bobby or Anthony. We are all preparing for the summer event which takes place on the 15th August. Me and Julie will be working together, this morning i asked her to get her statistics ready and she pronounced it like a disease. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Friday 8 June 2007

That Friday Feeling Again

This week has been quite busy, been getting the newsletter ready for the printers checking for any little mistakes in it (which Jeanne found). It went off this morning and should be ready to be printed and will be delivered to the residents of Blaenymaes, Portmead and Penplas. We are always looking for new members to join the group, and always need stories to fill the newsletter with. If you have any local news, issues that you wish to put in the newsletter contact me on 578632 to discuss coming to the meetings.

Yesterday morning, as i always do i come in 10 mins early to grab a coffee and a fag, whilst i was sitting on the outside bench a big kite flew down onto the grass, i know their not that big but it startled me first thing in the morning without my coffee fix! I was circling the the sky for a bit and then flew off! If i see it again i will get some pics.

Today i attended the new TRIO project, i enjoyed it but it looks as though it could get a lot harder, but Debz is on it too so we can help each other out (not that she'll need any help).
Then Claire came back from Tairgwaith and asked me to park her car i did it after a few attempts it was weird being in a different car. For the weekend i will be visiting the Waterfront Museum, to have a look at the Earth From the Air Exhibition. And Sunday if the weather stays like this i will be taking a walk to Penllergare Valley Woods. See you all Monday there's new pics in my flicker xx

Monday 4 June 2007

Monday Morning

i haven't updated for a few days so i better keep you updated.

Last week was a really quick week for me, Tuesday and Wednesday i just caught up on some office work. Thursday Dylan (my son) came into work with me for the day, but in the morning Maggie offered to take him to the Tardis Bus so off he went. With in half an hour he was back will a really bad finger. He had be in the rolling tubs which they use for the kids and held on, on the outside and crushed his finger. So it was straight up to see our doc. His finger looked grose, it looked flat, stretched and covered in blood. Then the doc said get straight up to casualty for an x-ray as he thought it might be broke. Up Morriston Hospital he was seen really quickly and the x-ray's showed he was fine just going to loose his nail and it will be sore for a few weeks. He has been fine all weekend but as soon as Monday morning came and it was back to school he wanted the bandage put back on. He wants to get out of doing work in school.

I also had a driving lesson last week where i had another mock test and at last i PASSED it, i was so happy i have finally done rounder bouts at last!! After the lesson finished he told me i was ready to take my test, if you could have seen the look on my face! So i will be having my test soon im not sure if i want to let people know the exact date. So if anyone has a small car and would like to give me extra lessons over the next month or so please feel free to contact me.

The weekend i didn't get up to much, my mum is back today from Spain and i hope she's bringing the weather with her.

I have also set up flicker on my page have a look!