Monday 25 June 2007

Another Rainy Monday

I haven't posted for a few day's as i have been quite busy in work. Last week i had quite a lot to do i had to do the mail out for the CDT meeting which takes place this Thursday. I also had to take minutes at the Board meeting. Then on Friday was the Trio Project which went ok.

The weekend started at 3.30am, i was up at that time filling the car up ready for a car boot sale at Singleton Hospital. I was so tired and grumpy, we was in a que of traffic at 4.30 when we eventually got our pitch and started setting up ready to make some cash. The night before Dylan was practicing his selling skills he was a Rodney in the making. As we were unloading about 10 people were behind us to see what we had they were taking stuff out of the car to look at what we had. We sold all the best stuff there and then. Dylan had filled a box with army figures, tanks and lots of other little junk. A man bought the lot off Dylan for £8 which was a bargain because everything in it was not worth much he said his grandson will love all of these. The morning went quite well, we made quite a bit. Dylan went for a walk around to spend some of his well earned cash, further down the car booty was the man selling the stuff he bought that morning at a higher price. Dylan's then decided to strop all morning there was a funny side to it. The rest of the afternoon was spent in bed i was so tired and grumpy.

Sunday we went to the mumbles for a walk. We went rock climbing and looking for crabs and other sealife creatures. After hours of me winging we went for an ice cream then home.

Well today has been quiet. We have had no Bobby or Anthony. We are all preparing for the summer event which takes place on the 15th August. Me and Julie will be working together, this morning i asked her to get her statistics ready and she pronounced it like a disease. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.