Friday 27 April 2007

Dyan's Birthday

Well its been a few day's since i have last updated my Blog.

It's been so quiet here at the ARC since Debz has been off work and now Julie is off work for a week I'm going to be such a loner. I have decided to try and give up smoking again on Monday because their both off it should be easier to do and i wont have them asking me to join them for a coffee and cigarette which we call "discussing work issues". I will keep you updated!

Tuesday night i had my driving lesson and a practiced all my maneuvers which i done perfect, i really enjoy doing them as I'm not on the road with other traffic or heading for any rounder bouts. He said my next lesson we will do another mock test and we will discuss putting in for my test depending on the result of my mock. But he has warned me that i cant giggle all throughout my test like i did on my last one. I need to also remember to put my side mirror back up once i have finished my maneuver as i could fail my test on that for observation so you must remind me.

Wednesday in work was quite busy as i had to prepare everything ready for the CDT Meeting, there was not many staff to cover the meeting so i needed to prepare everyone, which included nagging Owen and Claire to get some info for the community newsletter "Your Voice Your Choice". I also spoke to David who provides the ARC with free re-conditioned PCs for student's, Volunteers and groups, he was delivering 10 PCs on Friday.

After work it was time to go shopping for Dylan as the was 9 yesterday. I bought him new goal posts, a new shiny football, new goaly gloves, a pair of boxing gloves when i got home i found out it was a pair of 2 right hand gloves - don't you hate it when you buy something and its the wrong size with the right size hanger on it or 2 left shoe's in your shoe box. And you have to take them back and they don't have the thing you wanted in the first place! Or is it just me? I also bought him a garden game set which includes badminton, volleyball, tennis and other things. I was really hoping that he liked all his presents because last year he had a ticket for Spain to go on holiday a few day's later.

Yesterday morning i was up at 5 i was coming down with a cold, i couldn't breath through my nose and i hate that. I was coughing and had a sore throat. But i got up made some sandwiches and got everyone else up, Dylan, Darren and Todd my bro.

We arrived at Oakwood for 10.00am, the only car in the car park no-one else around. We caught the little train round to the park and we were there on our own for about 2 hours. We went on the Bob Sleigh first then we decided to go on Megaphobia first. This was the first time Dylan was able to go on rides like this as he's always been to short so we took him on there. Well as you can see he was shocked!!

But once we got over the shaky legs and dizzy head bit we couldn't wait try everything and Dylan was ready for anything. After that we went on the pirate ship, the bounce and Speed, this was the scariest ride i have ever been on i have never screamed so much i honestly thought i was going to die especially as there a 2000ft drop.

Open the links on the names of the rides and you will see how fast these rides are
I went on it a few times but Dylan went in it on their own. We didn't have to Que for any rides as there was hardly anyone there. We went on the Hydro slide the one where the girl died on it last year. It only opened 2 - 5pm so nearly everyone in the park was ready for the first ride including us. We started listening to the instructions which was done through speakers the next thing all the power went. I was so scared but we done it and we're all alive. We all got soaked, walked back to the car and made our way home. I am now full of flu and cant wait to finish today as i really need my bed. Keep u all updated next week.

Friday 20 April 2007

** That Friday Feeling **

It's nearly 2.00pm on a Friday afternoon and i love that feeling that the weekend is here in 1 hour (YES). I do like my job don't think i don't like being in work cos i do but i love my weekends way more.

Well i came into work to find out that Debz has been taken in for her big toe job!!! It is so quiet in the office without her, Bobby's on annual leave Anthony has been in meeting's all morning and the DCN team are all out so i thought it would be a really slow quiet day, but i was wrong.

Because Debz is of i need to do the education side of the centre, and because she thought her op was cancelled we didn't go through everything that she does. So I've had calls off students, tutors and the uni i think I'm getting it sussed now until i have to do the house keeping rules for a new class starting on the 8th May. I'm thinking of making up some of my own rules:

  1. Smoking is permitted anywhere in the building

  2. Lisa must not be disturbed at any time.

  3. All questions, complaints Bobby is the best person to see even if he is busy he's always got time.

  4. Any complaints about the new Cafe menu see Jeanne (she's the quiet one)

  5. And last as you all leave you must all go and see Anthony and tell him how nice and pleasant the receptionist is!

And if anyone has complaints about these rules the can see Bobby.

I haven't really done anything else, I've done some typing. The one good thing about debz bein off is that i get to tune her radio to radio 1 to listen to some decent music instead of Badger on the WAVE!

My plans for the weekend are unknown yet, i might visit Debz tonight with Julie (she got stopped by the police last night but I'm not saying why you will have to ask her). Dylan is with his dad tomorrow so i think i will do some shopping for his birthday. I have also attached a pic of Debz toe (or lack of) that she just sent me!!!

Thursday 19 April 2007

I haven't posted any blogs for a few day which Owen keeps reminding me! Well Tuesday night i had my driving lesson which was going really well until i get on a test route in Glais and there is a road which has a stop sign before you enter the main road i knew what it meant so i slowed right down and edged forward to get a better view of the road but then my instructor Richard slammed on the breaks which frightened the life out of me. I didn't actually stop i crept forward so that put me off for the rest of the lesson. Then from then onwards i was forgetting my left from my right. Could remember to change gear, i could not reverse around a corner which i have always done perfect since i have started to learn. I'll put it down to "just a bad lesson". Let you know about my next one which will be on Tuesday.

Yesterday i wasn't in work Dylan was ill he looks like Desperate Dan! I popped to Tesco to get him medicine and decided to buy a microphone for my home pc to give sing shot a go. Well the out come of it now is that i now know i can not sing, i tried everything from Elvis to roxette and Dido which always thought i sounded a bit like her. God was i wrong!!! I have now deleted all my saved songs so Debbie couldn't listen to them and be a laughing stock.

Today in work i have just done a bit of catching up on typing, emails and talking to the headmaster of portmead primary ready for the next newsletter which should be ready for next month. I also done my English work for basic skills which i hate doing.

This afternoon I'm in a Board meeting until 3, then i have to pick Dylan and my little bro Todd from school take them home where my little sister Becky will also be arriving from school. She's 13 today so the only reason i think she wants to visit me is for her present. I got her a Nintendo ds game.

I will keep you posted on my day to day life.

p.s. Thanks for putting my pic on your blog Owen i am requesting you take it off a.s.a.p.

Monday 16 April 2007

What a long day

Well this is my second attempt at the blogging thing. Owen was so disappointed that i didn't blog-in all weekend but he now knows why!! Today has been a slow day, first time in 2 weeks for me and Dylan to get up at 7.00 we were like zombies getting ready but we did manage to make it in time.
Had a fashion crisis today me and Debbie came into work in the same top i can honestly say that i have never seen anyone else turn up in the same clothes but Jeanne did make a comment its like mother and daughter Debbie didn't look to pleased when she said that.
I haven't really had that much to do today in work, some photocopying, phone calls. I need to take Dylan to the dentist this afternoon because he has an absus. I have a driving lesson tonight so if your on the road watch out!! I have book online 4 tickets to Oakwood Theme Park for Dylan's birthday which is next Thursday I'm so excited i just love to go on the train at the entrance that takes you to the park. I cant wait to go on the Bob sleigh I'm sooooo excited I'm like a big kid.
I have smoked 5 cigarettes in work today which is good for me I'm thinking of trying to give up again next week so i must buy some patches. I tried asking the staff to support me but they don't they are encouraging me to smoke they are everywhere i look as you can see from my pictures they even got Mumba to help and she doesn't even smoke, i will keep you informed on how I'm doing.

Friday 13 April 2007


The morning starts again and it's a lovely sunny day. First thing this morning big Stevie turns up for me to job's for him again. We need to hunt for 65inc waist white trousers. Do you think we could find them it was impossible. So we ended up looking on bowling sites still no luck so we decided to ask someone to make them so off he went to find someone. For some reason he didn't like his grapefruits in his £2 co-op bag and left them here!!
I have been working on some work for the CDT keep on making spelling mistakes Anthony is getting board of correcting me.

I phoned sky and bt because my virgin media tv would just not work me and Dylan had breakfast watching please be patient loading! It never loaded so i am considering leaving them unless they offer me a deal.

It's raining now so i will wait for Julie to finish to have a lift home.

Day 2 of smoking again and i have smoked 6.