Monday 16 April 2007

What a long day

Well this is my second attempt at the blogging thing. Owen was so disappointed that i didn't blog-in all weekend but he now knows why!! Today has been a slow day, first time in 2 weeks for me and Dylan to get up at 7.00 we were like zombies getting ready but we did manage to make it in time.
Had a fashion crisis today me and Debbie came into work in the same top i can honestly say that i have never seen anyone else turn up in the same clothes but Jeanne did make a comment its like mother and daughter Debbie didn't look to pleased when she said that.
I haven't really had that much to do today in work, some photocopying, phone calls. I need to take Dylan to the dentist this afternoon because he has an absus. I have a driving lesson tonight so if your on the road watch out!! I have book online 4 tickets to Oakwood Theme Park for Dylan's birthday which is next Thursday I'm so excited i just love to go on the train at the entrance that takes you to the park. I cant wait to go on the Bob sleigh I'm sooooo excited I'm like a big kid.
I have smoked 5 cigarettes in work today which is good for me I'm thinking of trying to give up again next week so i must buy some patches. I tried asking the staff to support me but they don't they are encouraging me to smoke they are everywhere i look as you can see from my pictures they even got Mumba to help and she doesn't even smoke, i will keep you informed on how I'm doing.