Thursday 25 October 2007

Whats New!!

It's Thursday today and tomorrow i will have that Friday feeling again!!

Well Owen is partying with Micky Mouse and Donald Duck in Disney Land. Whilst he's been on hols i did a camera club session with Claire, only 4 kids turned up! They must have known i was going instead of Owen!

Jeanne is so happy that her gelopi is back on the road, i so need to pimp her ride, and get her a leather jacked with Jeanne's angels on it!

Debbie is stressed because Billy might have broken some ribs! And i have been preparing the papers for next weeks CDT meeting. And today's board meeting has been cancelled DAMN!! i am so gutted that i don't have to take minutes in them!!

Last Friday i went to a Boxing show, which was held at Brighton Road Working Mens Club. It was the first time i had been to a proper boxing match with real men! I loved it - what a freak i am, i was shouting, standing up cheering them on with my pint of larger in my had - i was so a man in my past life!

I also had to present an award to one of the local boys that had a fight, he won and i was absolutely mortified that i had to get up and present it. I went bright red, it didn't help that there was around 182 men there and around 18 women! My shoe got stuck in the step's as i got in the ring. As you can tell from my pic i have rosy cheeks. So to compensate for the embarrassment i decided to go to town with my friend and get absolutely drunk!

Tuesday 2 October 2007

It's been a while!

I havent had much to write up about lately as i havent been doing that much, the new issue of the autumn newsletter is out on the streets. We have a new delivery boy Shane he done a great job in getting them out. Thanks Shane!

Claire and Owen are in Uni on a really exciting course i cant wait to hear all about it, their even going on a trip! And once they'r not so busy i will be joining them with their work and helping them with their techy fairs! I know that they cant wait to work with Lisa Mafia!

Update you soon xx

Wednesday 15 August 2007

My week off so far

Well the weekend i went fishing (again) and i'm sorry to tell you Debz i seen 2 seals i have the photo's to prove it! I got so burnt on that day.

On sunday we went to Porthcall for the morning and had a game of crazy golf which i cannot play! Whilst there i spotted Joanne and Paul Gilder oooh the mistery!

Tonight i will be going out with the girls its a £1 a drink in varsity so im taking £10 cos im skint roll on pay day.

I would like to thank claire for letting me know about facebook it is great the bebo girls need to be informed of this.

Well i will keep you posted.
And the photo of seal is real!

Monday 6 August 2007


Well its been a nice weekend, i went fishing yesterday down Bracelet Bay with Dylan and Darren. He didnt catch much, after around 30 mins a seal decided to pop its head up and say hello. So there wasnt much point in fishing anymore. The rest of the day was spent walking around Mumbles. And of course you cant visit Mumbles without having the best ice-cream in town Joe's. I wonder what their secret ingreadient is? I think it's white chocolate!

Last week Dylan went to the National Play Day event near spark, he was on a water slide which basically went straight into mud. The T-shirt he had on was bright blue!!!!

Saturday 28 July 2007


The Result!

I passed!!! I had 6 minor's, had a really nice instructor. I have been out in my car today and will be going again tomorrow. And i bought P Plates xxx

Friday 27 July 2007

Tomorrow is the day

Well i have been learning to drive now for over a year and tomorrow is the day of the test, im really nervous i hope that don't let me down. Well wish me luck and i will keep you posted. But you never know i could end up like the pic xxx

Friday 6 July 2007

my new childcare programme!

have a look at this video

Monday 25 June 2007

Another Rainy Monday

I haven't posted for a few day's as i have been quite busy in work. Last week i had quite a lot to do i had to do the mail out for the CDT meeting which takes place this Thursday. I also had to take minutes at the Board meeting. Then on Friday was the Trio Project which went ok.

The weekend started at 3.30am, i was up at that time filling the car up ready for a car boot sale at Singleton Hospital. I was so tired and grumpy, we was in a que of traffic at 4.30 when we eventually got our pitch and started setting up ready to make some cash. The night before Dylan was practicing his selling skills he was a Rodney in the making. As we were unloading about 10 people were behind us to see what we had they were taking stuff out of the car to look at what we had. We sold all the best stuff there and then. Dylan had filled a box with army figures, tanks and lots of other little junk. A man bought the lot off Dylan for £8 which was a bargain because everything in it was not worth much he said his grandson will love all of these. The morning went quite well, we made quite a bit. Dylan went for a walk around to spend some of his well earned cash, further down the car booty was the man selling the stuff he bought that morning at a higher price. Dylan's then decided to strop all morning there was a funny side to it. The rest of the afternoon was spent in bed i was so tired and grumpy.

Sunday we went to the mumbles for a walk. We went rock climbing and looking for crabs and other sealife creatures. After hours of me winging we went for an ice cream then home.

Well today has been quiet. We have had no Bobby or Anthony. We are all preparing for the summer event which takes place on the 15th August. Me and Julie will be working together, this morning i asked her to get her statistics ready and she pronounced it like a disease. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Friday 8 June 2007

That Friday Feeling Again

This week has been quite busy, been getting the newsletter ready for the printers checking for any little mistakes in it (which Jeanne found). It went off this morning and should be ready to be printed and will be delivered to the residents of Blaenymaes, Portmead and Penplas. We are always looking for new members to join the group, and always need stories to fill the newsletter with. If you have any local news, issues that you wish to put in the newsletter contact me on 578632 to discuss coming to the meetings.

Yesterday morning, as i always do i come in 10 mins early to grab a coffee and a fag, whilst i was sitting on the outside bench a big kite flew down onto the grass, i know their not that big but it startled me first thing in the morning without my coffee fix! I was circling the the sky for a bit and then flew off! If i see it again i will get some pics.

Today i attended the new TRIO project, i enjoyed it but it looks as though it could get a lot harder, but Debz is on it too so we can help each other out (not that she'll need any help).
Then Claire came back from Tairgwaith and asked me to park her car i did it after a few attempts it was weird being in a different car. For the weekend i will be visiting the Waterfront Museum, to have a look at the Earth From the Air Exhibition. And Sunday if the weather stays like this i will be taking a walk to Penllergare Valley Woods. See you all Monday there's new pics in my flicker xx

Monday 4 June 2007

Monday Morning

i haven't updated for a few days so i better keep you updated.

Last week was a really quick week for me, Tuesday and Wednesday i just caught up on some office work. Thursday Dylan (my son) came into work with me for the day, but in the morning Maggie offered to take him to the Tardis Bus so off he went. With in half an hour he was back will a really bad finger. He had be in the rolling tubs which they use for the kids and held on, on the outside and crushed his finger. So it was straight up to see our doc. His finger looked grose, it looked flat, stretched and covered in blood. Then the doc said get straight up to casualty for an x-ray as he thought it might be broke. Up Morriston Hospital he was seen really quickly and the x-ray's showed he was fine just going to loose his nail and it will be sore for a few weeks. He has been fine all weekend but as soon as Monday morning came and it was back to school he wanted the bandage put back on. He wants to get out of doing work in school.

I also had a driving lesson last week where i had another mock test and at last i PASSED it, i was so happy i have finally done rounder bouts at last!! After the lesson finished he told me i was ready to take my test, if you could have seen the look on my face! So i will be having my test soon im not sure if i want to let people know the exact date. So if anyone has a small car and would like to give me extra lessons over the next month or so please feel free to contact me.

The weekend i didn't get up to much, my mum is back today from Spain and i hope she's bringing the weather with her.

I have also set up flicker on my page have a look!

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Adult Learners Day

It's been a while since i updated my blog, there hasn't been much happening lately. This week i have been doing a lot of my usual office work which includes typing, photocopying and general office duties.

This week i have completed my uni work which has been handed in. And i have now signed up for the trio project which starts next month. And last Friday i passed my English exam in basic skills so my CV is filling up well.

Well most of this week has consisted of cakes and chocolate. People are forgetting to eat healthily!! This week i am back on the healthy dinners which consits of 3 rivita's slices of ham, and slices of cucumber with garlic and herb tesco health living spread. And for afters 1 banana!! (sometimes if fills me up)

I have also been working on the newsletter, there are 3 new member's in the group Kelly, Billy and Simon, its great having new people in the group, if you would like to join you can contact me at the Arc on 01792 578632. Today i have been working with Kelly she is recovering drug addict and she expresses her feelings through poems so she is having a page called Kelly's Korner which will include some of her poems and if anyone would like to send some into her they can. I am hoping this issue will be on people's door step within the next 2 weeks.

Apart from that i had a driving lesson last night which went well, i parked outside the test centre and discussed putting in for my test really soon but i probably wont be telling anyone when it is. I have decided what car i want it is the new Skoda Fabia, you might have seen it on the adverts they make it out of cakes and sweets, it orange and white. I really need that car!!

My mum is on holiday for 2 weeks in Spain and she called last night and where she is staying isn't that nice and where it said in the brochure that the town was 10 mins but its actually nearly 2 hours so she's looking to stay somewhere else. I wish i was sitting in the sun on the beach getting a lovely glowing tan. That's all for now, keep you posted xxx

Friday 4 May 2007

This Week

This week has gone quite quick. It's been really quiet without Debz and Julie they have popped up in the week. I have had to listen to Bobby all week as Anthony was off, its been like being in a army camp.

Its been a mixed week which included foot massages, a lady in her smalls standing in my office and putting children's toys together. Every day is different but other days can really drag. I now have a scanner in my office which i have been nagging for, for ages now. I finally have it, now i need some shelves in my office so time to annoy Bobby again.

Tomorrow i hope its not going to rain as I'm having a BBQ with a few friends over. Time to relax and top up the tan.

Keep you posted

Take care

Friday 27 April 2007

Dyan's Birthday

Well its been a few day's since i have last updated my Blog.

It's been so quiet here at the ARC since Debz has been off work and now Julie is off work for a week I'm going to be such a loner. I have decided to try and give up smoking again on Monday because their both off it should be easier to do and i wont have them asking me to join them for a coffee and cigarette which we call "discussing work issues". I will keep you updated!

Tuesday night i had my driving lesson and a practiced all my maneuvers which i done perfect, i really enjoy doing them as I'm not on the road with other traffic or heading for any rounder bouts. He said my next lesson we will do another mock test and we will discuss putting in for my test depending on the result of my mock. But he has warned me that i cant giggle all throughout my test like i did on my last one. I need to also remember to put my side mirror back up once i have finished my maneuver as i could fail my test on that for observation so you must remind me.

Wednesday in work was quite busy as i had to prepare everything ready for the CDT Meeting, there was not many staff to cover the meeting so i needed to prepare everyone, which included nagging Owen and Claire to get some info for the community newsletter "Your Voice Your Choice". I also spoke to David who provides the ARC with free re-conditioned PCs for student's, Volunteers and groups, he was delivering 10 PCs on Friday.

After work it was time to go shopping for Dylan as the was 9 yesterday. I bought him new goal posts, a new shiny football, new goaly gloves, a pair of boxing gloves when i got home i found out it was a pair of 2 right hand gloves - don't you hate it when you buy something and its the wrong size with the right size hanger on it or 2 left shoe's in your shoe box. And you have to take them back and they don't have the thing you wanted in the first place! Or is it just me? I also bought him a garden game set which includes badminton, volleyball, tennis and other things. I was really hoping that he liked all his presents because last year he had a ticket for Spain to go on holiday a few day's later.

Yesterday morning i was up at 5 i was coming down with a cold, i couldn't breath through my nose and i hate that. I was coughing and had a sore throat. But i got up made some sandwiches and got everyone else up, Dylan, Darren and Todd my bro.

We arrived at Oakwood for 10.00am, the only car in the car park no-one else around. We caught the little train round to the park and we were there on our own for about 2 hours. We went on the Bob Sleigh first then we decided to go on Megaphobia first. This was the first time Dylan was able to go on rides like this as he's always been to short so we took him on there. Well as you can see he was shocked!!

But once we got over the shaky legs and dizzy head bit we couldn't wait try everything and Dylan was ready for anything. After that we went on the pirate ship, the bounce and Speed, this was the scariest ride i have ever been on i have never screamed so much i honestly thought i was going to die especially as there a 2000ft drop.

Open the links on the names of the rides and you will see how fast these rides are
I went on it a few times but Dylan went in it on their own. We didn't have to Que for any rides as there was hardly anyone there. We went on the Hydro slide the one where the girl died on it last year. It only opened 2 - 5pm so nearly everyone in the park was ready for the first ride including us. We started listening to the instructions which was done through speakers the next thing all the power went. I was so scared but we done it and we're all alive. We all got soaked, walked back to the car and made our way home. I am now full of flu and cant wait to finish today as i really need my bed. Keep u all updated next week.

Friday 20 April 2007

** That Friday Feeling **

It's nearly 2.00pm on a Friday afternoon and i love that feeling that the weekend is here in 1 hour (YES). I do like my job don't think i don't like being in work cos i do but i love my weekends way more.

Well i came into work to find out that Debz has been taken in for her big toe job!!! It is so quiet in the office without her, Bobby's on annual leave Anthony has been in meeting's all morning and the DCN team are all out so i thought it would be a really slow quiet day, but i was wrong.

Because Debz is of i need to do the education side of the centre, and because she thought her op was cancelled we didn't go through everything that she does. So I've had calls off students, tutors and the uni i think I'm getting it sussed now until i have to do the house keeping rules for a new class starting on the 8th May. I'm thinking of making up some of my own rules:

  1. Smoking is permitted anywhere in the building

  2. Lisa must not be disturbed at any time.

  3. All questions, complaints Bobby is the best person to see even if he is busy he's always got time.

  4. Any complaints about the new Cafe menu see Jeanne (she's the quiet one)

  5. And last as you all leave you must all go and see Anthony and tell him how nice and pleasant the receptionist is!

And if anyone has complaints about these rules the can see Bobby.

I haven't really done anything else, I've done some typing. The one good thing about debz bein off is that i get to tune her radio to radio 1 to listen to some decent music instead of Badger on the WAVE!

My plans for the weekend are unknown yet, i might visit Debz tonight with Julie (she got stopped by the police last night but I'm not saying why you will have to ask her). Dylan is with his dad tomorrow so i think i will do some shopping for his birthday. I have also attached a pic of Debz toe (or lack of) that she just sent me!!!

Thursday 19 April 2007

I haven't posted any blogs for a few day which Owen keeps reminding me! Well Tuesday night i had my driving lesson which was going really well until i get on a test route in Glais and there is a road which has a stop sign before you enter the main road i knew what it meant so i slowed right down and edged forward to get a better view of the road but then my instructor Richard slammed on the breaks which frightened the life out of me. I didn't actually stop i crept forward so that put me off for the rest of the lesson. Then from then onwards i was forgetting my left from my right. Could remember to change gear, i could not reverse around a corner which i have always done perfect since i have started to learn. I'll put it down to "just a bad lesson". Let you know about my next one which will be on Tuesday.

Yesterday i wasn't in work Dylan was ill he looks like Desperate Dan! I popped to Tesco to get him medicine and decided to buy a microphone for my home pc to give sing shot a go. Well the out come of it now is that i now know i can not sing, i tried everything from Elvis to roxette and Dido which always thought i sounded a bit like her. God was i wrong!!! I have now deleted all my saved songs so Debbie couldn't listen to them and be a laughing stock.

Today in work i have just done a bit of catching up on typing, emails and talking to the headmaster of portmead primary ready for the next newsletter which should be ready for next month. I also done my English work for basic skills which i hate doing.

This afternoon I'm in a Board meeting until 3, then i have to pick Dylan and my little bro Todd from school take them home where my little sister Becky will also be arriving from school. She's 13 today so the only reason i think she wants to visit me is for her present. I got her a Nintendo ds game.

I will keep you posted on my day to day life.

p.s. Thanks for putting my pic on your blog Owen i am requesting you take it off a.s.a.p.

Monday 16 April 2007

What a long day

Well this is my second attempt at the blogging thing. Owen was so disappointed that i didn't blog-in all weekend but he now knows why!! Today has been a slow day, first time in 2 weeks for me and Dylan to get up at 7.00 we were like zombies getting ready but we did manage to make it in time.
Had a fashion crisis today me and Debbie came into work in the same top i can honestly say that i have never seen anyone else turn up in the same clothes but Jeanne did make a comment its like mother and daughter Debbie didn't look to pleased when she said that.
I haven't really had that much to do today in work, some photocopying, phone calls. I need to take Dylan to the dentist this afternoon because he has an absus. I have a driving lesson tonight so if your on the road watch out!! I have book online 4 tickets to Oakwood Theme Park for Dylan's birthday which is next Thursday I'm so excited i just love to go on the train at the entrance that takes you to the park. I cant wait to go on the Bob sleigh I'm sooooo excited I'm like a big kid.
I have smoked 5 cigarettes in work today which is good for me I'm thinking of trying to give up again next week so i must buy some patches. I tried asking the staff to support me but they don't they are encouraging me to smoke they are everywhere i look as you can see from my pictures they even got Mumba to help and she doesn't even smoke, i will keep you informed on how I'm doing.

Friday 13 April 2007


The morning starts again and it's a lovely sunny day. First thing this morning big Stevie turns up for me to job's for him again. We need to hunt for 65inc waist white trousers. Do you think we could find them it was impossible. So we ended up looking on bowling sites still no luck so we decided to ask someone to make them so off he went to find someone. For some reason he didn't like his grapefruits in his £2 co-op bag and left them here!!
I have been working on some work for the CDT keep on making spelling mistakes Anthony is getting board of correcting me.

I phoned sky and bt because my virgin media tv would just not work me and Dylan had breakfast watching please be patient loading! It never loaded so i am considering leaving them unless they offer me a deal.

It's raining now so i will wait for Julie to finish to have a lift home.

Day 2 of smoking again and i have smoked 6.